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General Manager South Australia Monthly Update June 2024

Published Mon 17 Jun 2024

The latest updates from Australian Sailing's General Manager – South Australia – Kylie Baker

Please click this link to find a copy of all past South Australia General Managers Updates. 

Please visit SA News for updates on South Australia and National News for all Australian Sailing Updates and News.

We would love to hear your stories. Please contact me or share some information with me by email at to add to our club news feed.

Please visit SA News for updates on South Australia and National News for all Australian Sailing Updates and News.

This Months Update:

• Club Protected Dates
• South Australian Sailing Awards are now open.
• SA Sailing Summit – Saturday 29th June – Brighton & Seacliff Yacht Club
• Club Participation Workshops – Saturday 20th July and Saturday 27th July
• Training in Focus ‘Live’ – Saturday 31st August 
• SA Budget delivers additional SPORTS VOUCHERS
• Instructor, Coach and Official Courses now open for 2024
• SA Sailing Calendar
• Updating Club Contacts
• Keep in Touch – Welcome Alexander Thomson to the SA Team

Proposed South Australian Club Protected Dates 2024/2025



South Australian Sailing Awards are now open…

It is time to get excited about the amazing season we have had in SA and acknowledge and celebrate our South Australian Sailing Community. It has been a very big summer in SA, and we are looking forward to celebrating.

Nominate now!

Australian Sailing SA Sailing Summit – Saturday 29th June 

Great numbers are registering for the event and is a great opportunity for clubs to come together.

We are excited to announce the 2024 South Australian Sailing Summit on Saturday 29th June at the Brighton & Seacliff Yacht Club.

The 2024 Sailing Summits will provide a great opportunity for clubs and classes to share information and ideas, allow Australian Sailing to hear directly from the community via workshops following on from the Club Survey and to receive an update on hot topics and the Australian Sailing strategic priorities.

Our agenda will include;
- Australian Sailing Update
- Partnerships / Collaboration with Adelaide Sailing Club – Peter Royle
- Participation / Retention with Australian Sharpie Association – Harry Fisher
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with Proud 2 Play – Christine Granger
- WORKSHOP 1 – How are we going to increase participation with a focus on female participation
- WORKSHOP 2 – Based on Club Survey feedback.
- Club and Class Networking - Let’s take the opportunity to come together.

SA Sailing Summit
Brighton & Seacliff Yacht Club
29th June 2024
Registration Open

Australian Sailing presents Training In Focus – Live 2024

Training in Focus - Live:
Saturday 31st Aug 2024
Cruising Yacht Club of SA
Registration Open

Club Participation Workshops

Club Participation Planning Workshops are part of the season's planning. Let's get together to Review, Plan, Prepare, and Deliver.

Inviting all members of your training team

South - Goolwa Aquatic Club - Saturday 20th July 2024 - RSVP
North - Largs Bay Sailing Club - Saturday 27th July 2024 – RSVP


The State Government will also provide $54.6 million over four years to permanently double the support under the sports vouchers program for each eligible child from one to two $100 vouchers for school-aged children from Reception to Year 9. If your club accepts sports vouchers, this will be a booster for families to assist financially with membership or sailing programs.

Learn more about SPORTS VOUCHERS - 


Tax Time 2024 is approaching fast, and there's a new requirement for non-charitable NFPs with an ABN

Starting now, you will need to file an NFP self-review return to confirm their tax exemption eligibility.

While the return is not financial in nature and relatively straightforward to complete, it will be an annual obligation.

To explain the changes the ATO What type of NFP is your organisation? | Australian Taxation Office (

Instructing and Coach Course Dates – SA 2024

Start planning to become an instructor or attend a reaccreditation.

Check out the prerequisites required prior to attending your course.

SA Instructor, Coach and Official Courses – Course Registration Liks

Find a course here - Course Finder


revSPORT support tools

revSPORT provide numerous tutorials, how to guides and FAQs in their help section. Take a look via your revSPORT portal (click the   help button) and explore what revSPORT has to offer.

  Action Item/s for Club: Need help or exploring new add Ons to your website.  What a Tutorial to guide you through the process and explore what revSPORT has to offer your club


Game Plan for Clubs

For Clubs who have already completed the Participation Workshop with Alison or Grant, Game Plan is the next step for review.  It is a self-assessment tool for clubs and class associations to review all aspects of your organisation and provide an improvement plan with links to resources and templates.

Game Plan is provided in partnership with the Australian Sports Commission. It is neatly set out in areas so that one person doesn’t have to complete the whole program and each module is only 15 minutes.   Start today:


Updating Club Contacts

Not Receiving Official AS Communications? 

When Flag Officers change roles your club account details need to be updated, without key contact details, Australian Sailing cannot contact the right people.

Club Action: Check your Club’s contact details in the Account details section of revSPORT

How to Update Club Contacts


South Australian Sailing Calendar

SA Sailing Calendar is now available to add your events to be viewed by all.
View Calendar Request link for clubs to add your events, or send your event details to to be added to the calendar.
Australian Sailing National Calendar is also available at

Sailing Summit
Brighton & Seacliff Yacht Club
29th June 2024

Register now

Training in Focus - Live:
31st Aug 2024
Cruising Yacht Club of SA

Register now

State Sailing Awards
20th September 2024
Adelaide Sailing Club

Zhik Youth Sail Series SA
28th September - 1st October 2024
Largs Bay Sailing Club

To view other State’s events click here


Keep up to date with local news!


Catch up on the latest SA Club News here

SA Sailing News – We want to hear your news!

HERE is the quick way to get your club or class’s news into the appropriate news section of our website.

We want to share all your great news with members of Clubs and Classes.


Keep in touch

I am available to answer your queries by phone, face to face or to meet via Teams online. 

Kylie Baker
General Manager 
Direct Phone: 0425 511 177

Alexander Thomson
Club Support Officer - SA
(02) 91706951


You can find a full list of Australian Sailing Contacts – here.

