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General Manager - ACT/NSW Monthly Update November 2021

Published Tue 30 Nov 2021

Back to Sailing!

Craig, Gemma and I have been back out visiting clubs around the state. It is so good to see club members back on the water and clubs running learn to sail, racing, cruising, and social functions. Plese follow and tag our Facebook and Instagram pages to share your club's latest events.

Sail Sydney

Entries are still open for Sail Sydney

Notice of race, race documents and competitor, volunteer and support boat registration are now available on the Sail Sydney Website. Visit the Sail Sydney website to get your entry in today.


SailGP comes to Sydney 17-18 December. Alongside the main racing there are a number of ways to get involved in this exciting event.

SailGP Sydney - Bring Your Own Boat Programme

SailGP Inspire virtual learning program for NSW students

SailGP’s Adopt-a-Club program launches in Sydney


NSW Office of Sports Grassroots Support Fund

A grant of up to $1000 for eligible clubs and classes administered by Australian Sailing.

A short survey will be sent out in December which will be used to collect more information and confirm the clubs and classes that wish to access this fund.

The Guidelines are here see page 6 for Eligible Items for Funding.

Multi-Sport Community Facility Fund

The primary objectives of the Fund are to:

Increase the number and type of multi-sport facilities

Improve the standard of existing multi-sport facilities

Increase the utilisation of sport facilities

Support the equitable provision of, and access to multi-sport facilities to grow sport participation for women and girls

Provide inclusive and accessible multi-sport facilities that support sport participation for people with disability, First Nations peoples and people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

Grant Website

All Competitors need to be Club Members from January 2022

Clubs are reminded that from 1 January 2022 all competitors in any race are required to be a member of a club.

Extensive work was done in early 2020 on communicating a change in policy that all competitors participating in races are required to be a member of an affiliated club and registered with Australian Sailing. Clubs planning their calendar and race documents for next season are reminded of this change. The position is expressed in the Australian Sailing Prescription to rule 46.

The reasons for the change relate to Sailing’s future strength; sustainability of clubs, and also safety. Clubs want a strong membership base and people competing in their races should be a member of a club in some way. Being a member of a club and registered with Australian Sailing gives clubs information of who is racing which is an important part of their approach to safety. Being registered with Australian Sailing also provides a basic insurance which serves as a safety net to people who, through injury or accident, incur financial loss.

Australian Sailing have made systems available to clubs who want to provide short term, introductory or other flexible membership arrangements to competitors. The system is SailPass and it has been rolled out nationally and enthusiastically taken up by many clubs. The system provides flexibility for clubs to make competitors members for any appropriate terms. Membership under SailPass is considered by Australian Sailing to be membership of a club and provides for registration of the crew with Australian Sailing. A significant amount of work has been done in the SailPass system and it is proving itself as a valuable tool for clubs wanting to offer flexible and attractive membership options.

This strategic priority is completely compatible and in line with the priorities of any affiliated club. Clubs want competitors to be members and if not be a member with them, support the network of clubs and become a member elsewhere.

To answer any further questions on the changes to rule 46, we have created a list of FAQs which will give you information on what SailPass is, how it integrates with clubs and how it can benefit casual racing. You will find it here

Child Safeguarding in Sport Induction e-Learning course

All children have the right to feel safe and protected from all forms of abuse, harm and neglect and to take part in sport in a safe, positive and enjoyable environment. To educate and inform people of their responsibilities to protect and look after children, Sport Integrity Australia has launched a new Child Safeguarding in Sport Induction eLearning course.

This course has been specifically designed for National Sporting Organisations, State Sporting Organisations, clubs/affiliated bodies, boards, committees, participants, employees, coaches, contractors, officials, and support personnel and will assist learners to understand and implement the National Integrity Framework Child Safeguarding Policy.

By the end of the course learners will be able to:

  • understand what child safeguarding in sport is
  • understand what the Child Safeguarding policy is, who it applies to and when
  • understand the role of the 14 Child Safe Practices in the Policy
  • understand the recruitment and screening requirements
  • recognise alleged breaches of the Policy
  • identify how to respond to alleged breaches
  • If your organisation is bound by the National Integrity Framework you should complete the course. It takes around 45 minutes to complete.

This course is the first of a number of educational resources being developed to support organisations in their child safeguarding efforts. For more information and stay up to date, please visit Sport Integrity Australia eLearning.

Please feel free to distribute this information to your affiliated members as creating a safe, positive and enjoyable environment is everyone’s responsibility.

Club Contacts

Not Receiving Official AS Communications?

When Flag Officers change roles your club account details need to be updated, without key contact details, Australian Sailing cannot contact the right people

How to Update Club Contacts


For the current rules see the Australian Sailing NSW COVID information page where there are links to the latest information from the Office of Sport, the NSW Government and NSW Maritime.

The latest ACT Information is on the ACT Information page

NSW&ACT Staff Contacts

Craig, Gemma and I are available to answer your queries by phone or to meet via Teams online. The phone numbers below go to our mobiles.

Emma Humphries

Regional Manager - NSW/ACT
Direct Phone: (02) 9170 6926


Craig Ferris

Club Services Officer - NSW/ACT
Direct Phone: (02) 9170 6906


Gemma Burns

Club Services Officer - NSW/ACT
Direct Phone: (02) 9170 6924


