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General Manager - ACT/NSW Monthly Update April 2023

Published Wed 26 Apr 2023

The latest updates from Australian Sailing's General Manager NSW/ACT – Emma Humphries.

Click this link to go to all past NSW/ACT General Manager’s Updates


This month’s update:

  • Sailing Summits
  • Training In Focus - Live (Professional Development for Instructors)
  • 2023 Maritime Boater Survey
  • Race Officer Training
  • Upcoming Courses
  • Event Calendar
  • Participation Resources
  • Updating Club Contacts
  • Keep in touch


Australian Sailing NSW and ACT Sailing Summits

All Club and Class officials and senior staff are invited -

The 2023 Sailing Summits will provide a great opportunity for clubs and classes to share information and ideas, allow Australian Sailing to hear directly from the community via workshops following on from the Club Survey and to receive an update on hot topics and the Australian Sailing strategic priorities.

The 2023 Sailing Summit dates and locations are:

NSW – Saturday 20th May – Cruising Yacht Club of Australia

ACT - Thursday 22nd June - Canberra Yacht Club

Action Item for Officials and Staff from Clubs and Classes:

Click here for more information and to register your spot


Training in Focus – Live

Sunday 16th July at the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club

The 2023 Training in Focus - Live event (formerly the Instructor Conference) is a free day of professional development that will provide a great opportunity for Instructors, Discover Sailing Centre Principals and Training administrators to receive hands-on learning via workshops, practical on water activities, the opportunity to try a new discipline such as windsurfing, SUPs or Foiling and of course, plenty of time to share ideas and best practice amongst peers.

Accredited Instructors who attend the Training in Focus – Live events this year, will automatically have their qualifications extended for a further 12 months, assisting to further removing the barriers to reaccreditation.

See more details and register here

Action Item for Clubs:

Encourage your instructors to register to attend.


2023 NSW Boater Survey

The NSW Government Centre for Maritime Safety invites you to take part in the 2023 Boater Behaviour Survey.

The 2023 Boater Behaviour Survey aims to explore recreational boat users’ current attitudes, beliefs and behaviours and to identify any emerging trends or changes in waterway usage.

Participants who complete the survey are eligible to win one of ten $200 gift cards, which can be used at a wide range of retailers.

 The survey can be accessed here  It will take about 20 minutes to complete.

The survey completion deadline is 9:00am on May 8th 2023.

Action Item for Clubs:

Share the survey with your members


New Race Officer Training Program

We are pleased to announce the release of new Race Officer training for club and class volunteers. The entry level training is now via free online courses for Mark Layers and Committee and Finish boat volunteers.
To access AS free e-learning courses, simple register and login via the learning portal here.
Further details (Including policy) for Race Officer accreditation/reaccreditation is on the AS website here.

See more details here

Action Item for Clubs:

Encourage you race management volunteers to do the e-learning courses.


Upcoming Courses

Official’s Courses

Dinghy Instructor Courses

  • Dinghy Instructor Course 6th-7th May at Drummoyne Sailing Club – Register here
  • Dinghy Assistant Instructor Course 6th May at Drummoyne Sailing Club – Register here
  • Dinghy Instructor Course 27th-28th May at Drummoyne Sailing Club – Register here
  • Dinghy Assistant Instructor Course 27th May at Drummoyne Sailing Club – Register here
  • Dinghy Instructor Course 17-18th of June at Mannering Park Amateur Sailing Club. Register here
  • Dinghy Assistant Instructor Course 17th of June at Mannering Park Amateur Sailing Club. Register here
  • Dinghy Instructor course 24th-25th June at Woollahra Sailing Club – Register here
  • Dinghy Assistant Instructor Course 24th June – Register here
  • Dinghy Instructor course 11-12th of July at Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club. Register here.  
  • Dinghy Assistant Instructor course 11th of July at Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club. Register here
  • Dinghy Instructor course 22-23rd of July at Woollahra Sailing Club. Register here 
  • Dinghy Assistant Instructor course 22nd of July at Woollahra Sailing Club. Register here 

Keelboat Instructor Courses

  • Keelboat Instructor course 24-25th of June at Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club. Register here
  • Keelboat Instructor Course 8-9th of July at Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron. Register here 
  • Keelboat Racing Instructor course 19-20th of July at Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club. Register here

Windsurfing Instructor Courses

  • Windsurfing Instructor course 8-9th  of July at Woollahra Sailing Club. Register here 
  • Windsurfing Assistant Instructor course 8th  of July at Woollahra Sailing Club. Register here.

Sailing Coach Courses

  • Foil Lab Coach course 22nd of July at Woollahra Sailing Club. Register here

Action Item for Clubs:

Encourage your female members to use the Her Sport Her Way Grant discount for instructor, coach, and official courses to receive a 50% Discount on course fees. Code is HERSPORT50

If you cannot find the course you or your members want to do in the Course Finder, please email


NSW/ACT Event Calendar

We have refreshed the event calendar and sent a link to all clubs so you can add and edit your major events. The calendar can be found here

Action Item for Clubs:

Add your events to the calendar, if your club doesn’t have the link to edit the calendar, please email


New Club Participation Resources

Our new Club Participation Hub is stacked with resources for clubs and classes to increase participation and enhance your activities. Please get in touch if you want guidance on how to utilise these resources for your club.

Click here for more information


Updating Club Contacts

Not Receiving Official AS Communications?

When Flag Officers change roles your club account details need to be updated, without key contact details, Australian Sailing cannot contact the right people.

Action Item for Clubs:

Check your Club’s contact details in the Account details section of revSPORT

How to Update Club Contacts


Please get in touch

Craig, Jess, and I are available to answer your queries by phone, face to face or to meet via Teams online. The phone numbers below go to our mobiles.

Emma Humphries
General Manager - NSW/ACT
Direct Phone: (02) 9170 6926 EMAIL

Craig Ferris
Club Support Officer - NSW/ACT
Direct Phone: (02) 9170 6906

Jess Tames
Club Support Officer - NSW/ACT
Direct Phone: (02) 9170 6948
