
How does the National Integrity Framework affect existing policies?

Published Thu 15 Dec 2022

Clubs reviewing their integrity management strategy often ask us whether they need to have their own integrity policies, or whether they need to formally adopt the National Integrity Framework (NIF). This article will explain the similarities and differences between each.

Application of the NIF

The NIF policies were officially adopted as Australian Sailing policies on 31 March 2022. Since then, each of the NIF policies has been binding on every “relevant person” (including participants, members, instructors and officials) and all “relevant organisations” (including clubs, class associations, Discover Sailing Centres and Sea Safety Survival Centres). Click here to read more about who’s covered by the NIF.

The NIF policies apply regardless of whether a club or association has adopted or ratified the NIF, so clubs don’t need to do anything in that regard. However, a formal recognition process could be a good catalyst for discussion about integrity generally, so clubs may want to do it anyway.

Does your club need its own policies?

Each of the NIF policies is designed to fully cover its subject area, so there’s no need for clubs to have additional policies on the same subject area. With that said, there’s nothing stopping clubs from having their own policy on these or any other topics.

For obvious reasons, policies covering topics not included in the NIF should be retained, as should the processes for dealing with complaints under those policies. Bear in mind that the NIF doesn’t apply to anything that happened before 31 March 2022, so clubs may need to manage disputes under an old process.

Where should a complaint be made?

Any alleged breach of the NIF should be reported to Sport Integrity Australia (SIA) using their online form. SIA will deal with all such complaints.

Breaches of club policies will need to be dealt with by the club in accordance with its own dispute resolution process. This is usually found in the club’s constitution or by-laws, or in the policy itself.

If conduct breaches the NIF and a club policy, it’s up to the person making the complaint to decide which process they would rather use.
