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Discover Sailing Month Set to Make Sailing More Accessible

Published Tue 20 Jun 2023

Discover Sailing Day has been a mainstay of the sailing calendar for many years, and Australian Sailing is proud to announce that it is back for 2023 at Discover Sailing Centres around the country.

The day is intended to introduce new participants to their local sailing club through free introductory Discover Sailing Courses run by accredited Instructors. It is completely free for both participants and the Discover Sailing Centres running them.

This year’s Discover Sailing Day will have a new look, as Australian Sailing are making the initiative more accessible through the introduction of Discover Sailing Month.

In the past, Australian Sailing has promoted a specific date for this event, however, valued feedback from clubs has this year prompted a shift in planning.

In 2023, Australian Sailing will promote Discover Sailing Month, with clubs able to select a day throughout November and run their chosen programs on a Discover Sailing Day that best suits them.

Australian Sailing will provide support and promotional material in advance, along with details on how to set-up, run and promote your Discover Sailing Day to achieve the best outcome for your club. In addition, Australian Sailing will support clubs by promoting the month across all of our media channels.

With November and Discover Sailing Month on the horizon, now is the time for club administrators and decision makers to begin discussions and select a date for Discover Sailing Day 2023. Once a date has been selected, please follow the steps below to register your event on revsport so that Australian Sailing can provide you with its full support:

1. Add a new Event in your revSPORT portal

2. Make sure you link it to the Discover Sailing Day template (this ensures your event is added to the national finder)

3. Add in all relevant event details: dates, times, venue

4. CHECK, REVIEW, TEST and PROMOTE - Click on view event live to test your registration and copy the URL to make it available on your website and socials.


Australian Sailing will send through various resources including a Discover Sailing Day Club Guide, marketing templates and social media tiles to help you run and promote your Discover Sailing Day.

For more information or clarification, please contact your relevant state or territory General Manager here.
