
Discover Sailing Month

Published Fri 16 Aug 2024

The 2024 sailing season is on the horizon, and with the Australian Sailing Team’s success at the Paris 2024 Olympics, there has never been a better time to open your doors and welcome newcomers to your club.

And what better way to do that than by organising a Discover Sailing Day or two?

Discover Sailing Days are a great opportunity to grow participation, attract new members, and let your local community know that they are always welcome to join in the fun at your sailing club.

Best of all, Discover Sailing Days are FREE to set up, and intended to be FREE for participants.  You don’t have to be an accredited Discover Sailing Centre, and you don’t have to use qualified instructors to deliver sessions – all affiliated clubs can run Discover Sailing Days, and all registered participants are covered by Australian Sailing insurance[1].

Our Resources

In preparation for Discover Sailing Month this November, Australian Sailing have prepared a whole host of resources to support your club in delivering quality Discover Sailing Days.

Discover Sailing Guide

This step-by-step guide will assist you with planning, preparing, promoting, and delivering your Discover Sailing Day.

From planning the day and recruiting volunteers, to risk management, media engagement, and post-event follow-up, this helpful guide will walk you through all the steps you need to take to make your Discover Sailing Day a success.

Discover Sailing - Marketing Resources

All Australian Sailing affiliated club and class organisations have access to a variety of pre-made, free and editable marketing resources to assist with the promotion of your event. 

Visit the Club Resources Discover Sailing Marketing page to read and download the resources, including:

  • Social Media templates for you to customise and post on your social media channels to promote your event
  • Poster templates to be displayed around the club and in the local area
  • Discover Sailing Teardrop banners ready for printing at your local Officeworks; these provide great brand visibility outdoors and can be used to help direct newcomers to the right place
  • Discover Sailing promotional video for you to use on social media, embed on your website, and display on screens around the club

Choosing a Date

Now is a good time to start planning for your Discover Sailing Day in November.  It’s important to have everyone onboard, so make sure your committee members, staff, and volunteers are all kept in the loop.

Once you have chosen a date or dates for your Discover Sailing Day, please follow the steps below to register your event on revSPORT so that we can provide you with our full support:

1. Add a new Event in your revSPORT portal

2. Make sure you link it to the Discover Sailing Day template (this ensures your event is added to the National Course Finder)

3. Add in all relevant event details: datestimesvenue

4. CHECK, REVIEW, TEST and PROMOTE - Click on view event live to test your registration and copy the URL to make it available on your website and socials.


And don’t forget, if you need additional support, you can always contact your state or territory Club Support Officer – that’s what we’re here for!

You can find our contact details here.

[1] Note: for course participants, Australian Sailing insurance covers Personal Accident only

Check out the Discover Sailing Month Resources
