

Published Wed 31 Mar 2021

Please see below an update on the latest covid advice for sports clubs from the 26th of March 2021.

  • There are no limits on class sizes for outdoor and indoor community sport, physical recreation or fitness classes have been removed.
  • Spectators are allowed. The number of spectators allowed in each indoor or outdoor seated space is the lesser of 75% capacity or 1000 spectators. If the maximum capacity of the facility is more than 500 people in accordance with the directions currently in force, the facility must maintain and publish on its website a COVIDSafe Plan.
  • Tier 2 public events can now occur, without going through the government approval process, if they meet all three criteria listed on the website . Tier 2 events that satisfy the criteria listed on the website will be considered lower risk and will be allowed to proceed without government approval, subject to providing the required documentation:

Please note all venues must use the free Victorian Government QR Service or Victorian Government Application Programming Interface linked digital system for record keeping (venues will have a 28-day compliance amnesty to 23 April 2021. (Further information


Thank you

Meaghan Densley

Regional Manager – Victoria

Australian Sailing

0425 720 372