
COVID update - restrictions in effect from Thursday 17th of June

Published Fri 18 Jun 2021

Good Afternoon Club officials,

The Restricted Activities Directions came out this morning for Metro Melbourne click here, for Regional Victoria click here.

There has been no additional information provided since the last updated that will impact sailing clubs.

In summary

  • Face masks must be carried at all times and must be worn indoors. You do not need to wear a mask in your own home or if a lawful exception applies.
  • There are no restrictions on travel – including regional and metro Melbourne.
  • Equipment must be cleaned between uses.
  • Clubs should have an update covid safe plan in place – examples can be found (at the bottom of the page)
  • Everyone must sign in via the government’s QR code – this includes staff and volunteers


Regional Victoria

  • Club organised sailing may operate including racing and training lessons
  • Maximum group size is 50 people (staff/volunteers are not included in this cap)
    • Consider options to minimise gatherings of people e.g video or written briefings by posting a link on an app instead of gathering people together.


Metro Melbourne

  • Club organised sailing may operate including racing and training lessons
  • Maximum group size: 10 people indoors, 20 outdoors (staff/volunteers are not included in this cap)
    • This is interpreted as
      • Briefings – no more then 20 people together outside or 10 inside.
        • Consider doing a video/written briefing and posting the link to sailors instead of gathering a group together
      • Discover sailing courses
        • Max cap of 20 (outdoors) as you are required to bring them together multiple times during a session
      • On land activities where people are together as a group


  • Density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm
  • Maximum venue capacity 150, including no more than 50 indoors (staff/volunteers are not included in this cap)
    • Please note if your venue falls under the hospitality section you may refer to the relevant guidelines for indoor capacity.
  • No venue limit if 100m distance can be maintained between groups outdoors (e.g. sailors on the water)



Grants that may assist your club

Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two


The Victorian Government’s Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two (BCAP2) assists eligible small to medium businesses most affected by the May-June 2021 COVID-19 restrictions in Victoria.

The program offers grants of up to $7000 to eligible businesses, including employing and non-employing businesses, depending on their industry sector, location and the number of weeks they have been closed.

Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund 2021


Grants of $3,500 for businesses with a premises in regional Victoria and $7,000 for businesses with a premises in metropolitan Melbourne will be available to eligible liquor licensees operating a restaurant, hotel, café, pub, bar, club, or reception centre that is registered to serve food and alcohol.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions

Thank you

