
COVID Update - 20th July 2021

Published Tue 20 Jul 2021

Dear SA Club Leaders,

Further to my earlier email, due to the escalating COVID-19 situation in South Australia, the SA Government have just announced this morning a Statewide 7 Day lockdown as from 18:00 this evening (20th July). As of tomorrow, schools will also be closed.

There are only 5 reasons under the new directions to leave home these are:

  1. Care & compassionate reasons
  2. Essential Work
  3. Purchase of essential goods such as food
  4. Medical reasons
  5. Exercise that is limited to people from the same household - (This does NOT include going sailing and is intended for short, close to home exercise, such as jogging, walking, etc… max 90 minutes and no further than 2.5km from home).

For Directions and FAQs:

For SA Health:






Last night the South Australian Government announced our state was moving to Stage 4 COVID-19 restrictions. The impacts for our sport are that all club and group training is to stop effective from 12:01on 20th July 2021. In addition, competitions including club racing are not to occur. Solo training can still occur as usual.

It is expected that the SA Government will review these restrictions on Friday 23rd July 2021, we will endeavour to update you as required.

For up to date directions and FAQs:

For SA Health:
