
COVID Restrictions Update - 31/05/2021

Published Mon 31 May 2021

Dear Commodores, GMs and Sailing Managers,

We have received an update that recreational boating is now allowed. Further information on this can be found at:

Below is an extract from the website.

Can I participate in recreational activities like fishing and boating?

Recreational fishing and boating are permitted as long as it doesn't require use of a facility (the opening of a closed jetty or pier) and within 5km of your home for up to 2 hours once per day, and with members of your household or 1 other person.

This means access to club facilities is not allowed.

Any boating activities are required to meet the 5 reasons to leave home direction. They are;

  • shopping for necessary goods and services
  • care and caregiving, or to get a COVID-19 test
  • exercise (no more then 2hrs a day with 1 other person)
  • authorised work and permitted study
  • to get a COVID-19 vaccination.
