
COVID-19 Victorian Update 

Published Thu 04 Jun 2020

COVID-19 Victorian Update 04/06/2020

Further to the below points outlining the current restrictions for Sailing in Victoria. It is important to note:

  1. Under the Vic Govt directions clubs are not required to have a specified COVID Safety Officer. The Safety Officer position is contained in the Sport Australia recommendations/checklist but is not a requirement in Victoria. It is important to note that Councils may be requesting their tenant clubs have these Officers in place as part of their requirements to open facilities.
  2. The Vic Govt directions do not require clubs to have their own return to sailing COVID plans. The assumption is that as Australian sailing has a plan that meets the guidelines and has been approved by SRV and clubs utilise that plan, they too will comply, assuming of course the club meets the requirements contained within the AS plan.

The Australian Sailing “return to sailing” framework document can be found here

Sport and exercise can resume if:

  • you can keep your distance (at least 1.5 metres apart), you are not doing your activities indoors and they are not competitive (team vs team); and
  • From June 1 you can do them with a maximum of 20 people.
  • Non-contact sports and exercise are allowed but you need to maintain physical distancing
  • Your outdoor sport or exercise activity can be part of a club, but you can not use showers or changing facilities
  • Use of shared sporting equipment should be minimised and there should be no sharing of equipment that touches the face or head (e.g. helmets, goggles or masks).


Can I use sports club facilities?

  • You can use toilet facilities connected to a permitted sport location. However showers and change facilities must remain closed. You should not drink from public drinking fountains.
  • From 11.59pm on 31 May, restaurants, cafes and other hospitality businesses can resume dine-in service with the following restrictions:
  • Up to 20 seated patrons per enclosed space.
  • All venues must abide by physical distancing requirements. Limits will be placed on entry to comply with the density requirements allowed within a single space – one customer per four square metres.
  • Tables should be spaced at least 1.5m apart.
  • Venues are required to request contact details, first name and phone number, of every customer to assist in rapid contact tracing other safety precautions will also be required, including extra cleaning. Staff should not work when unwell.


Can I go boating?

  • Under the new directions, recreational boating is now permissible. Physical distancing and mass gathering rules apply at all times – including at the boat ramp and on your boat.
  • As always though, Victorians are being asked to be considered and use common sense when it comes their activities. You should only leave home if you really need to. We are all being asked to make sacrifices in order to save lives.


Sailing Specific Summary:

Australian Sailing’s initial interpretation of these new restrictions is that:

  • Club organised racing is not yet permitted
  • You can go sailing recreationally (not organised club racing) in a single handed dinghy with groups of up to 20 people from June 1, as long as you keep the 1.5mtr distancing
  • You can go sailing recreationally (not organised club racing) in a keel boat with up to 20 people from June 1 as long as you keep the 1.5mtr distancing if they do not live with you
  • Participants required to arrive dressed for the activity and change at home afterwards (get in get out)
  • Participants are encouraged to get the flu shot
  • Participants are encouraged to download the COVIDsafe app
  • Participants regularly reminded not to take part if unwell
  • Participants who suddenly feel unwell to be sent home and to follow govt Health Guidelines
  • Clubs are encouraged to maintain a register of people entering the premises
  • Clubs are encouraged to maintain a register of participants/ competitors
  • Cleaning of all equipment to take place before and after activity including participants own equipment and boats
  • Rigging space and marina / dock separation should be maintained while ashore
  • Sign on/off recommended to be done electronically via phone, VHF or online

Please be assured AS is working hard to get as much information to you as we can and as quickly as we can. However, we do need to ensure we give you accurate advice. We will continue to communicate with you as further information comes to hand, in the meantime more information can be found at
