
COVID-19 Victorian Update

Published Mon 03 Aug 2020

The Victorian Premier has announced changes to Melbourne’s restrictions as well as changes to regional restrictions for at least the next six weeks until Sunday 13 September.

While AS does not have the definitive outcome for sailing in the Melbourne area, the following points outline that Boating is not permitted and therefore all sailing should cease until further notice:

· Community sport closed

· Indoor and outdoor sporting facilities closed

· Recreation activities such as Golf, fishing, boating, tennis and surfing are not allowed

· Outdoor sport; only allowed to exercise with one other person or one member of your household

In regional Victoria all sailing is in line with the stage 3 restrictions:

  • Club organised racing or training are not permitted
  • You can go sailing recreationally (not organised club racing/ training) in a single-handed dinghy
  • You can go sailing recreationally (not organised club racing/ training) in a keel boat with a maximum of two (2) people (yourself and one other, so a total of two people on the vessel) if sailing with someone you do not live with, as long as you keep the 1.5mtr distancing
  • Sailing with family members from the same house is allowed with no social distancing requirements.
  • Participants required to arrive dressed for the activity and change at home afterwards (get in get out)
  • All club changing rooms to be closed.

I’d like to acknowledge the impact these changes will have on everyone over the next six weeks – AS will continue to support you to navigate this next phase and will update this page with a new framework as further information comes to hand, in the meantime more information can be found at

Gavin Wall
Australian Sailing
Regional Manager - Victoria
