
COVID-19 NSW Update: 3rd December 2020

Published Thu 03 Dec 2020

NSW Sailing in a Covid Environment - December Update

The NSW Government has announced this week the further easing of restrictions affecting many sailing clubs, commencing from Monday 7th December 2020. The easing of restrictions includes updated information for community sport and recreation activities including the following:

Community sailing activities are allowed, including training sessions and contact activities.

For community sporting activities that involve more than 30 participants, the organiser must have a COVID-19 Safety Plan for community sporting competitions and full training activities.

  • Gatherings in outdoor public spaces

    • Up to 100 people for outdoor gatherings (up from 50)
    • Up to 3,000 people (participants, officials, spectators) for community sport subject to the 2sqm rule)
  • Venues including hospitality venues/clubs houses etc

    • 1 person per 2smp (with 25 people permitted before the rule applies)
    • Participants include players, people who are training, officials and spectators.
  • More than one parent may attend community sporting activities if physical distancing of at least 1.5 metres can be maintained between people that are not from the same household.
  • The maximum number of participants at a community sporting activity must not exceed 3000 participants. Participants include sailors, officials/coaches, and spectators (Parents, siblings etc)
  • Clubs are requried to keep a record of name, contact number and entry time for all staff, volunteers, participants, spectators and contractors attending community sports activities, where this is practicable, for a period of at least 28 days. Electronic collection (e.g. using a QR code) of contact details for each person is strongly encouraged. Any paper records must be entered into an electronic format such as a spreadsheet within 12 hours. Records must be provided as soon as possible, but within 4 hours, upon request from an authorised officer.

Overnight Racing/Multiple Day Events

NSW Health has issued the following advice.

COVID-19 is transmitted easily in household-like settings. Overnight accommodation settings where facilities are shared by people from different households and children require additional adult supervision and interaction, such as camps, may have an increased risk of COVID-19 transmission should someone attending be infected.

As the COVID-19 situation can change quickly, schools, facilities and overnight event organisers should:

  • consider the level of community transmission in the local community just before the overnight event is to be held, along with the other risks associated with the event as part of a risk assessment process
  • pay particular attention to excluding anyone with symptoms before the event, and
  • consider arrangements for isolating and testing anyone who develops symptoms during the event.

Overnight activities may take place so long as accommodation facilities and overnight event organisers develop and implement a COVID-19 Safety Plan and event organisers consider the issues above.

Attending a community sailing events

  • Don’t go if you’re unwell, and instead get tested.
  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • If you’re a spectator, stay 1.5 metres apart or wear a mask if you can’t. This includes before, during and after sporting activities.
  • Avoid carpools with people from different households where possible.

Important information for NSW clubs

  • Full contact allowed during training and competition with no limits on crew numbers
  • Social distancing of 1.5m when not training or competiting must be adhered to at all times.
  • Ensure processes are in place to exclude participants (including spectators and officials) if they have attended any of the reported case locations listed on the NSW Health website
  • Physical distancing of 1.5m must be kept at all times when not taking part in training or racing.
  • Record keeping (Contact tracing) must be kept where practiable for all participants, spectators, officials, coaches, staff, contractors, and visitors. Preferably in a digital form to allow it to be easily accessed if required.
  • Increase COVID-19 safety signage in venue carparks and at common entry points at outdoor venues;
  • Changing rooms are able to be used however consideration needs to be taken into strategies to reduce crowding and promote physical distancing.
  • Register your club as a COVIDSAFE Business.
  • A club specific COVID-19 Safety Plan must be able to be produced on request by a NSW Health Official
  • Changing rooms are able to be used however consideration needs to be taken into strategies to reduce crowding and promote physical distancing.

Useful resources for Clubs



Further guidance for Sport

If you have any questions, please contact your Regional Manager Carl Webster via email or 0415 707 305
