
Contact Tracing

Published Thu 18 Jun 2020

In line with the South Australian Government requirements Organisations are to ensure that all participants for indoor activities are to provide their name and phone number or email address on a Contact Tracing Form. The person conducting the activity retains a record of those contact details and produces them at the request of an authorised officer.

We have been contacted by Henley Sailing club who have discovered a great FREE quick solution to recording members attending clubs. 

Basically, as you enter the venue you use your phone to scan to the QR code (you can have these at tables or at the door) and then the user enters their name, email address and phone number.

You can then log in and view who has attended, it is basically an electronic version of keeping records of attendance.

The provider is a large Australian Software company, they provide ASIC compliance software and Superannuation Administration software.

Please see below further information and link to their website to access the Contact tracing solution.

BGL is proud to announce the launch of GuestTrack - a new, free application to help businesses (restaurants, cafes, offices, schools, sporting clubs, etc) collect and store the data required by governments in the current COVID-19 environment! 
Visit GuestTrack website >>>

What is GuestTrack for?
To reopen, many businesses are required to collect and store customer, employee and contractor information including name, email address and mobile number. This information will help authorities trace any COVID-19 infections if they occur at your premises. The way the information is collected and stored must also comply with privacy laws and time limits.

Who is GuestTrack for?
We have developed GuestTrack for any business that needs to collect customer, employee and contractor data. It makes it easy for businesses to meet their obligations in a COVID-19 environment while providing their guests with a sensational experience!

Why BGL?
COVID-19 has had (and continues to have) a devastating effect on families and businesses across Australia. During tough times like this, it's important we work as a community to help each other. So, as a well-known and trusted developer of software, we used our knowledge and experience to develop an application to help businesses simplify the collection and storage of customer data. 

Helping you to help your clients
GuestTrack is a simple and easy to use application for businesses and for their guests. We hope this initiative will help to relieve some stress for your clients.

