

Published Fri 10 Nov 2023

We wish to advise that Club Race Officer accreditation will now be extended through to 30th June 2025. 

In March of this year Australian Sailing announced an update to the Race Officer Accreditation Policy.  Many of the updates applied reflect developments of Officiating in sport in Australia led by the Australian Sports Commission and the Australian Sailing Instructor, Coach, Official Development Strategy.

Following feedback from the sailing community, Australian Sailing is extending the Club Race Officer Policy transition window. Aimed at granting additional time for members to transition to the new policy including accreditation, training, and adopting future developments such as Scorer Handicapper and Race Day Induction Training. 

This change will occur throughout November and will show in the national qualifications database and on individual MySailor profile. If a qualification extension has not occurred by 01.12.23, please contact

Thank you for your understanding, we appreciate your ongoing feedback and look forward to consulting with you about future developments. 
