
Class Associations – Are you using RevSport Yet?

Published Wed 08 Apr 2020

Not sure if you know, but Class Associations can use the Australian Sailing RevSport Platform to manage their membership and events. The RevSport Platform is part of your affiliation fees with Australian Sailing and therefore has no direct cost to your association.


During this time while everyone is at home self-isolating, this is a great opportunity for you to have a look at this easy to use program and see what benefits it can give your association. I’m happy to chat with you about how RevSport can help your Class Association as well as help with setup and training – we can do this online.


If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to give your Club Services Officer a call and there is plenty of information about RevSport on the Australian Sailing Resources webpage for you to read if you haven’t come across it yet:

