
City Sail 2022 – Albert Park Yacht Club

Published Fri 16 Sep 2022

After cancelling two years of CitySail during the pandemic, we came back in 2022 with a vengeance. Broadly supported by Australian Sailing, the event included 52 entries and 67 sailors. An absolutely fantastic weekend with great coaches, amazing sailing, lots of socialising and loads of fun. There was strong support from the regional south west - Portland, Port Fairy, Colac, and Derrinallum Yacht Clubs. We applaud such dedication by those women to developing their sailing abilities.

One of the highlights of CitySail has been to see the great way the girls interact with each other and the fostering of friendships. This is what sailing is all about!
We have had support from a huge team of our amazing volunteers. We could not do this without them. As well as the support from all the clubs to promote the event to their female members who then travel to be part of this incredible sisterhood. 

APYC is committed to developing female participation in sailing and we are working hard to achieve the Australian Sailing goal of reaching gender equality and equal representation in our sport. CitySail in one of the ways we work toward that. 

Get some air in your hair!

CitySail 2022

Lena Kluth, Coach:
"It was wonderful to see so many women attend CitySail over the weekend. Everyone who came along carried such a positive energy, a drive to have fun and an eagerness to learn new skills. Coaching at the regatta was a great experience, all the women who attended brought such a positive and enthusiastic attitude. It was fantastic to see everyone progress throughout the weekend, learning new skills and putting them into practice during the races. I think it’s safe to say that every individual had a win during the weekend, whether that was achieving a great start, putting in to practice a new tactical strategy or successfully setting a spinnaker. All the coaches had a great weekend thanks to the club members, volunteers, and wonderful participants. We look forward to next year’s CitySail event."

Written by Albert Park Yacht Club
