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Brad Legg from Rhyll Yacht Club

Published Thu 17 Nov 2022

I was first involved with the sport of sailing at the age of 12 when I was down on holiday at Phillip Island and I saw some young people sailing. I thought it looked like fun, so I contacted Rhyll Yacht Club and I was pointed in the direction of Discover Sailing. I went along to a discover sailing day and was bitten by the sailing bug. Since then, I have been involved with a variety of different classes ranging from Sabres to A Class Catamarans. I love the variety sailing has to offer, there are so many different types of sailing.  

Having joined the club at a young age I was continuously mentored and coached, and I always had the goal to grow up to be a sailing mentor/coach myself. When I was 13 years old I was nominated for my first committee position as the Youth Representative, this was an entry-level role and I really enjoyed working with the committee. Over the years I moved around in a few different Committee positions, to now at the age of 22 finding myself recently Nominated and voted into the role of Commodore. 

Brad Legg Sailing

Being such a young Commodore, I have found it a bit of a challenge to manage a large number of people who are more experienced and senior to myself. However, all our members have been extremely supportive and respectful of my role and continuously work with me to grow and achieve our clubs' goals.  

I am very motivated and have always wanted to bring a young person's point of view into the sport of sailing from a club management perspective. Young people have so much to offer and it’s important that our sport captures that and gives opportunities for youth members to grow into club management roles.  

As Commodore, I wish to expand our relationship with other Victorian clubs. Whilst focusing on expanding our membership, especially in relation to young members. Our club is always very welcoming to visitors, and we offer free racing to any member from a Westernport Bay Yacht Club and Albert Park.  

Rhyll Club House

Rhyll Yacht Club always prides itself on being a very interactive and approachable club. Always welcoming visitors and guests from other clubs. We offer a fun family-friendly environment, perfect for developing sailors to gain experience in a fun and safe environment. 

My advice to young people in sailing is to follow and work toward your goals! You will always come across some waves, but all good sailors know you must navigate through them. The sport of Sailing offers opportunities for people to grow, within themselves and within their clubs. 
