

Published Thu 08 Nov 2018

RQYouthSquad Sailors Ashlee Daunt and Tom Needham won all but two races to secure first place in the Allianz New Caledonia 29er National Championships.

In 2nd place were fellow Squadron members Luke Rogers and Matt Rogers, they held off the local teams and challenged Ashlee and Tom through the event.

Long term RQYS Member Stephen Everett, who owns Bayside McGrath Estate Agents, sponsored the four RQYouthSquad Sailors to travel overseas for the competition as part of McGrath’s commitment to community support.

“The good thing about McGrath is that they’re all about giving something back to the community, and the sailing community is one that is close to my heart” said Stephen.

“McGrath sponsors Guide Dogs Australia-wide, recently raised substantial funds for drought-affected famers, and we also have what’s called a Community Give Back Program where every time we sell a house for the vendor, we donate $500 to a local charity of the vendors choice”

“It’s just part of the concept that McGrath wants to do more than sell and buy houses, it wants to do things for the Community.”

For Ashlee, who won the Australian 29er Championships at RQYS earlier this year, this was her first ever international expedition, and certainly her first time competing overseas.

“This was my first experience sailing somewhere outside of Australia and, safe to say, it was a pretty good first experience. The waters were pristine, flat and most importantly warm, making our training in a perfect breeze of 10-12 knots all the more enjoyable,” said Ashlee

“For the first three days of the regatta, we experienced fairly light and extremely shifty breezes. This challenged us greatly especially considering we were competing against boats with a great deal more local knowledge.”

Regardless, both Australian teams persevered, and they ultimately came away with some great results on the first three days. Both teams secured a place in the top four going into the final day of the regatta.

“Knowing this [that they were placed top four], we continued into the final day confident, but with the same mentality used to approach the previous days of the regatta – it is anyone’s race to win,” said Ashlee

“The breeze on the final day was up from the previous days,  providing  us  with  a  great  10-14 knots. These were perfect skiff racing conditions, flat water and nice breeze, we were keen.”

For Tom and Ashlee, the final day was their most successful, both in results and in an exceptional performance of technique.

“After three days of the regatta we finally sorted out our starts and improved significantly on our communication,” said Ashlee

Despite some malfunction with their boom gooseneck, the Rogers’ boys also pulled away with some great results on the final day to solidify their position in second

For Ashlee, this experience has been invaluable in giving her the international sailing experience that will ensure that she remains highly competitive for regattas to come.

“Overall, I have learnt so many lessons from this regatta and regardless of what the results show, there is still so much improvement to be made. I can’t speak on behalf of the others, but I know everyone who went on this trip has taken something away from it,” said Ashlee

“If it weren’t for the support received from Stephen Everett and his team at Bayside McGrath, and RQYS, we would not have had this amazing opportunity. Thank you dearly for all for your support, this is an experience I will remember forever”
