
Australian Sailing CEO to leave role

Published Tue 22 Jan 2019

Australian Sailing CEO John Lee has announced that he will be leaving the organisation in March this year. John has led the National Sporting Organisation for nearly two years and has delivered a series of reforms and improvements to sailing over this time.

“John is a professional leader who has helped deliver a number of important reforms for Australian Sailing”, President Matt Allen said.

“He is an energetic leader who has driven the implementation of our crucial ‘One Sailing’ model.”
“During his time, we have launched the Sailing 2020 Strategic Plan, moved to a national Club fee model, introduced the new on-line platform (RevSport) for our Clubs and services, as well as managing some challenging financial and operational circumstances.”

“John has also worked hard to ensure our financial and operational systems were enhanced to deal with any external challenges.

“He was instrumental in working to increase funding from various State Governments and is pleased to see the roll out of the SailPass and initiatives to increase female involvement and participation in sailing.” Matt Allen said.

“It has been a pleasure to work with John and we wish him every success in the future.”

John leaves the role with a strong management team in place and a professional Australian Sailing Team primed for more success in Europe this year and at Tokyo in 2020.

“It has been an honour to lead the staff at Australian Sailing and to serve the many dedicated volunteers, officer bearers and sailors across the country.” Lee said.

“As a participation sport it is gratifying to work with people from all walks of life and aged from 4 to 94 years who love to get on the water and sail.”

“I am looking forward to taking some time out to spend with my family before looking at some other opportunities” he said.
