
The 2020 Club Survey - now open!

Published Wed 11 Mar 2020

Australian Sailing invites you to participate in the 2020 Club Survey.

The purpose of this year’s survey is to seek direct insights from clubs, as well as what services they value from Australian Sailing. This will then be used to help inform the development of the next strategic plan.

This email is being sent to the Primary Contacts at each affiliated club (as registered in the revSPORT national database). You are encouraged to consult with your committee members to form a single response for your club. The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete.

The survey has been designed to:

  • Measure level of satisfaction and engagement of Clubs with the services currently provided by Australian Sailing
  • Understand the key challenges facing clubs
  • Gather feedback for improvements in services we provide to Clubs
  • Receive input from clubs on the development of the Australian Sailing strategic plan

Individual responses to the survey will remain confidential.

Feedback will be aggregated and results will be communicated at this year’s club conferences as part of a facilitated session on strategic planning.

The survey will be open until 5pm AEST SUNDAY 5th APRIL


