
Officials in Focus: Judges

Published Mon 12 Jul 2021

At the core of sailing competition is the Racing Rules of Sailing which all participants abide by. Judges play an important role within sailing, ensuring on water adherence to these rules and in their capacity as members of protest committees to settle disputes off the water.

The Judges role is to offer a range of services (related to these rules) to competitors and organising authorities. These including the hearing of protests and requests for redress, appeals, equipment compliance, and on-water judging (watching for rule infringements).

At a Regional and National level, a Judge is expected to be capable of forming a protest committee (and Chairing it), write and publish a protest decision, understand the appeal process and the role and requirements of a jury.

This should appeal to people who have a keen interest in the Racing Rules of Sailing and their application, can actively participate in group discussions, can use facts to reach suitable conclusions and are adept at dispute resolution.

For Clubs and Classes there are many benefits to promote the Australian Sailing Judge training:

  • Clubs and classes can be assured knowing that by using Australian Sailing accredited officials the required levels of competency and high-quality service delivery in Judging are being provided.
  • Qualified Judges can be used to provide education to sailing members regarding the Racing Rules.
  • Training your developing Judging equips them with the knowledge to maintain levels of consistency, fairness & safety in the delivery of their role.
  • Developing ‘ín-house’ officials (avoiding costly outsourcing of officials) reduces the overall costs of quality running racing.
  • With accredited officials on board, stakeholders will know that the Club meets racing requirements and has a good reputation for service delivery in officiating, and this will help gain hosting rights for race events.
  • Providing a quality race services by appointing experienced and accredited Officials will lead to retention of volunteer officials.

From an official perspective, Australian Sailing qualified Judges can leverage the below benefits:

  • Being recognised within the sport through Australian Sailing training and certification.
  • Being listed on the Australian Sailing website’s Officials Finder (useful for obtaining race appointments).
  • Gaining Judging appointments allows members to contribute to the running of quality racing and participate with other likeminded volunteers in the sailing community.

The Australian Sailing Judges courses provides a structured approach to learning which covers the correct procedures to conduct club level arbitration through to complex protests and appeals for Championship racing.

There are three progressive courses within the Judge Program. Click on any of the courses below to find one near you. 

If you are unable to locate a course near you please contact your Club Services Officer for further information.




Protest Committee Member

Free Online course

4.5hrs study time

Club members who are able to take part in a club level protest.

Regional Judge

1 day course

8hrs study time

Club members with the ability to chair protest hearings at club or inter-club events. Regional Judges will also be expected to participate in judging events at other clubs, including arbitration.

National Judge

1 day course

8hrs study time

Experienced club members who can provide a full judging service at any club or championship event and be an International Jury member at International events.


For more information on the Australian Sailing Judge Policy please click HERE.
