
Applications are open for the 2019 WLIS Grants and Workshops.

Published Thu 23 Aug 2018

Women Leaders in Sport (WLIS) program has opened applications for the 2019 WLIS Grants and Workshops.

WLIS provides leadership development opportunities for women in Sailing from:

  • sport management in high performance and participation, coaching, officiating, communications/marketing, to elite athletes transitioning out of playing sport to sport administration.
  • operational level (e.g., office administrator) to decision making level (e.g., General Manager, Chief Executive Officer, Board Director); and
  • national sporting organisations (NSO), state sporting organisation (SSO) to local or regional clubs.

In the past three years since 2015/16, approximately 1,800 women from various sports have benefited from the WLIS program. Sport Australia received a total of 14 applications from individuals or organisations in your sport and benefited 70 women with the grants amount totalling c. $41k.

Sport Australia encourages your organisation to apply and to promote the 2019 WLIS program to the Sailing community across Australia to ensure women in your sport will continue to benefit from WLIS leadership development opportunities.

Individual women can apply for:

  1. attendance at a WLIS Leadership Workshop, or
  2. a grant (up to $3,000) for learning and development, which includes attendance at a WLIS Leadership Workshop.

Your organisation or SSO/Clubs can apply for:

  1. sending a selected group of women from your sport/organisation to attend a WLIS Leadership Workshop for Organisations (only funded NSO is eligible for this), or
  2. a grant (up to $20,000) to fund a leadership development project for selected women from your sport/organisation.

To apply or for more information, please visit the WLIS website

Applications close on Wednesday 5 September 2018 at 5pm (AEST).

