
QLD - Announcements regarding new positive COVID-19 cases

Published Mon 24 Aug 2020

To our sport and recreation community,

This morning, you would be aware of announcements from The Premier and Queensland Health regarding new positive COVID-19 cases in Queensland and advice from the Chief Health Officer regarding community transmission.

Whilst there are a number of new restrictions on gatherings that have come into effect immediately today, the Chief Health Officer has advised that at this stage, community sport can continue as long as COVID-Safe Plans are in place and adhered to.

Yesterday, the Return to Play Advisory Group (comprised of experts and representation across sport, recreation and fitness sectors and Queensland Health) met again to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on sport and recreation in Queensland and to discuss the important role we as a sport and recreation community must play in keeping Queenslanders safe and healthy during this time.

I reiterate that in accordance with health advice, any person who has visited affected locations identified by Queensland Health’s contact tracing information page should not attend organised sport, active recreation or fitness activities until further information on the situation comes to hand.

Again, we also strongly encourage organisations operating within affected locations over the coming period to consider capacity to adhere to requirements outlined within Industry plans and health advice. For any organisations within these locations Queensland Health are continuing to provide targeted advice, including avoiding unnecessary gathering and/or deferring events where appropriate. If in doubt, please liaise with your relevant State Level Organisation regarding the impacts of this advice.

As mentioned above, it is very important to remember that under Stage 3 of the easing of restrictions, sport, active recreation and fitness activities and events must comply with an approved Industry COVID-Safe Plans.

Approved Industry Plans restrict access to anyone who has:

  • COVID-19 or has been in direct contact with a known case of Covid-19 within the last 14 days
  • Flu-like symptoms or who is a high health risk (e.g. due to age or pre-existing conditions)
  • Travelled internationally
  • Travelled to a COVID declared hotspot.

Thank you for your ongoing efforts and assistance to keep Queenslanders safe and healthy during this time and please distribute this advice to your relevant networks and members.

We will keep you informed with up to date information and in the meantime, should you have any have queries or concerns on the above please contact the COVID Hotline on (07) 3330 6166 or COVID email

