
Albert Park Yacht Clubs Winter Sail Regatta is now open for registrations

Published Tue 05 Mar 2019

Wintersail is a coaching regatta for junior sailors. You will receive dedicated and personalised coaching from a team of qualified Australian Sailing coaches under the leadership of our Head Coach, Glenn Collings.
Wintersail aims to improve and develop sailing and race skills. Coaching groups will be kept at a size, which will facilitate individualised attention.

The venue for Wintersail provides the sailor with a winter sailing experience that is never far from a warm clubhouse. There will be space for your boat, your family, easy parking at a reasonable price and plenty of food.

Don’t have a boat? Boats can be hired from APYC, and most classes have a charter policy. E.G. Optimist, Open Bic and Pacer’s.

To register go to
