
ACT COVID-19 Update

Published Fri 13 Aug 2021

The ACT will enter a seven-day lockdown from 5.00pm 12 August 2021, as a result of a COVID-19 case being identified in the community and positive wastewater detections reported overnight.
The lockdown will remain in place until 5.00pm Thursday 19 August 2021.

Community Sport and Organised Sporting Activities 

  • Not permitted, regardless of whether indoors or outdoors.
  • Training not permitted.

The Australian Sailing ACT COVID-19 Update page will be updated with sailing specific information as soon as we receive it.

People in the ACT can only leave their home for the following essential reasons:

  • To shop for essentials like groceries and medicine and supplies that are essential for personal needs or for vulnerable people
  • To obtain essential health care, including to undertake a COVID-19 test or receive a scheduled COVID-19 vaccination
  • To exercise outdoors limited to one hour per day, with one other person (excluding any dependent children), or more than two people only if all from the same household. Individuals should remain within their regions (eg, Belconnen, Gungahlin, Tuggeranong) and minimise travel wherever possible.
  • To provide essential caregiving services
  • To undertake essential work
  • Where possible, people should undertake these essential activities within their local region.

    Further details on the approved reasons for leaving home are available on the ACT COVID-19 website.

    If you are over the age of 12 years you must wear a mask at all times upon leaving home, including in workplaces.

    Non-essential businesses, including non-essential retail must close for the duration of the lockdown.

    For more information go to
