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2023 Sailing Summit Report

Published Wed 20 Sep 2023

The 2023 Sailing Summits have been a great success for Australian Sailing (AS) and equally for those clubs and classes who attended. They were a real whole of AS team and community effort and a big thank you to everyone who were able to attend.

The 2023 Sailing Summits were held in March through to July and provided a great opportunity for clubs and classes to share information and ideas, allowing us to hear directly from the community via workshops following on from the Club Survey and to receive an update on hot topics and the Australian Sailing strategic priorities.  

Here is a report we have prepared for clubs, summarising the 2023 Sailing Summits: 2023 Sailing Summit Report

If you could not attend or if you would like to revisit a certain topic - you can access the presentations from the 2023 Sailing Summits here: 2023 Summit Archive
