Guidance on 2020/21 Australian Sailing Club Affiliation fees
The speed with which the COVID-19 crisis has hit the community is unprecedented. We recognise the impact it is having on sailing clubs is also substantial - whether it is the cancellation of regular club racing, regattas, training courses or off water activities.
We also acknowledge that many sailing clubs around the country are going to face significant financial and operational challenges in the coming months. It is our goal to support and guide clubs at this time to ensure long-term sustainability and to ensure you are in a position to re-engage your local sailing community on the other side of this crisis. This has a real, human impact and our thoughts are with the many families that have been affected.
In the normal course of business, this is the time of year when Australian Sailing (AS) sets affiliation fees for the upcoming financial year and communicates this to clubs. This is obviously not an ordinary year.
Australian Sailing has taken (and will need to make) a number of tough decisions to substantially reduce our cost base in an effort to limit the financial impact of this crisis over the next twelve months. This includes cancelling a number of courses & events, restricting travel and accessing our cash reserves.
We recognise that many clubs are facing significant and similar challenges, both now and in the months ahead. We are in dialogue with the Federal and State government agencies, advocating for the need to support community sporting clubs through this challenging period.
We understand that membership underpins clubs - from a financial as well as participation and social perspective. Similarly, affiliation fees from clubs also underpin Australian Sailing.
In recognition of the challenges ahead and to ensure we are able to provide cashflow support to clubs, Australian Sailing has made the following decisions with respect to club affiliation fees for the upcoming year:
- Club Fees for 2020-21 will not be set until we have more clarity on the financial impact on both clubs and Australian Sailing
- Club Fees for 2020-21 will not be set before the end of September 2020
- Invoicing of fees will therefore be deferred 6 months until after 1st January 2021
- Payment plans will be available for the January - June 2021 period
The fee review mechanism remains in place for clubs suffering financial hardship. However, given the advice provided above and that it is 8 months until any new fees are due, we will be temporarily pausing access to the financial hardship mechanism until after 1st January 2020.
For clubs that still have current fees outstanding (2019/ 2020), you are encouraged to contact the finance team to discuss payment plans. Please email Brian Chalmers at
These are testing times and we are determined to support clubs so that they can emerge from this crisis on their feet and return to more normal operations. We have provided guidance to clubs on Coronavirus and this will continue to be updated on our website. If you wish to discuss this letter or need further assistance, I encourage you to contact your Regional Manager in the first instance.
 Daniel Belcher President Australian Sailing