
2018-19 Season Opening Weekend For Trailable Yachts

Published Wed 19 Sep 2018

Building on the success of the last six years, the Victorian Trailable Yacht Division (VTYD) is seeking your support to promote this event to your members - a special weekend for trailable yachts in Melbourne’s Docklands. This year’s event has three main purposes:
1. To celebrate the opening of the 2018-19 sailing season with your fellow club / association members in the company of other trailable yacht sailors.
2. To promote trailable yacht sailing to your friends and colleagues on Sunday 20 October 2018.
3. And this year – to promote a “Re-Discover Sailing Day” – for all those trailable yachts or sailors that haven’t seen the water for a while.

Attached is a flyer promoting the weekend for you to circulate to your members with details of the event and below are some important details about the various activities planned:
Berthing at Melbourne City Marina
• On-line bookings for berthing this weekend are being received via the Trailable Yacht Division website.
• The web links for marina bookings are on the flyer.

Season Opening Welcome and Happy Hour in the Marina Lounge
• The lounge, deck and verandah in the Marina facilities will be available for this year’s happy hour event.

Saturday Night Season Opening Dinner
• A great two course dinner deal for $50.00 has been arranged at Watermarkdocklands.
• Numbers are limited and names need to be confirmed with Des Russell (VTYD) by Monday 16 October.
• Clubs or associations should coordinate group bookings and confirm names with Des.
• Contact Des on mobile 0419 341 206 for any further details on the dinner.

The promenade display
• The display of trailable yachts on trailers adjoining the marina as part of the Re-Discover Sailing Day is being coordinated by Rob Milner (VTYD).
• Please confirm your organisation’s interest in this opportunity with Ron Parker.
• Boats for sale may also be displayed on the promenade.
For any other information or questions about the weekend’s activities please contact Ron Parker, Events Coordinator, (VYTD) via email or telephone 0419 002 946
We look forward to your club’s / association’s support to make this year’s event successful to our mutual benefit.