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Lauderdale Yacht Club announces Advanced O'pen Skiff Training

Published Thu 09 May 2019

The Lauderdale Yacht Club is very excited to announce their new training program for advanced youth sailors in 2019.

The course will be aimed at junior sailors who are now competent sailors and wish to advance their racing skills to the next level.

The course will be conducted throughout the 2019 -2020 sailing season by experienced coach Silas Hamilton.

It is anticipated that the training program run on Sundays will start at 11am with a theory lesson at the club house, a break for lunch followed by on the water training session with some organised racing. This will all be concluded by 3pm.

The cost for the season will be $250 payable at the start of the season. For the 25 weeks of the season the LYC is active this works out to $2.50 per hour. Commodore Sean Keady assures members this is an absolute bargain!

Junior sailors will be able to transition to the advanced program during the sailing season once they have become competent sailors.

Sunday the 1st of September there will be a trial day for parents and juniors to come and have a coaching session for free.

To register your interest please email Sean Keady or ph 0410 487 762.
