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Enterprise's rainbow

Published Thu 11 Jul 2019

What do you get when you mix together 28 boats, an abandoned race, a four-hour long drifter and a confused weather system swapping between torrential rain with a dash of rainbows? The FSC Inshore Winter Series, Offshore Valmadre Series and IRC State Championships all rolled into one. 

After they floated across the start line in barely seven knots of wind that rapidly faded to a glass out, the AP flag was raised as the fleet were recalled. It was clear the IRC States would need to wait for more stately winds. The fleet motored back together as the start of the Ensign Race was met with squalls of wind and rain before settling in steadily from the West.

Tactics were when to pull the trigger as the light boats enjoyed the early conditions with the heavy weights powering home later in the day.

Results for Division 0 IRC has ‘Enterprise’, ‘Checkmate’ and ‘Dirty Deeds’ finishing in just over three and a half hours whilst the old grace and charm of ‘Syrenka’, sporting a new roachy main, came out to play under new ownership and finishing second behind Captain Kirke.

Division 1 saw the ‘Low Flying Duck’, school the ‘Problem Child’ and tame a ‘Crush’ in both handicap results. Whilst ‘Hustler’ lived up to their name winning Division 2 by over an hour on IRC handicap. Full results at and a suite of images and rainbows at Perth Sailing Photography.

You can view the results here.

Written by Warren Erasmus; Australian Sailing - Weekend West - Around the Buoys Column
