Registering to work with vulnerable people
In Tasmania, anyone 16 or over must register to work with children if they would be expected to have more than incidental contact with children as a normal part of their duties. This requirement applies equally to volunteers and paid staff.
You must be registered before you start working, though you don’t need to have received the physical card (you’ll receive an email once your registration is complete).
For more information about registering to work with children, use the resources below or contact Consumer, Building and Occupational Services on 1300 654 499 or by visiting their website.
Some resources include:
- Do I need to register to work with vulnerable people? (cbos.tas.gov.au)
- Exemptions from registration (cbos.tas.gov.au)
- Registration holder obligations (cbos.tas.gov.au)
Information for Clubs, Associations and Discover Sailing Centres
As an organisation that engages volunteers or employs staff, you are required to:
- Ensure that everyone required to register to work with children has done so, and is registered under the correct category (i.e. volunteer or paid employee);
- Check the registration status of prospective employees and volunteers, before they start and periodically while they work for you (this is completed online; click here for instructions);
- Register your organisation’s details with Consumer, Building and Occupational Services’ online Employer Portal;
- Add your details to your employees’ and volunteers’ registrations, so you’ll be notified if a registration has expired or been cancelled, and remove your details once they stop working for you.
For more information about registering to work with children, use the resources below or contact Consumer, Building and Occupational Services on 1300 654 499 or by visiting their website.
Some resources include:
- Do I need to register to work with vulnerable people? (cbos.tas.gov.au)
- Exemptions from registration (cbos.tas.gov.au)
- Employer obligations (cbos.tas.gov.au)
- Check the status of an application or registration (cbos.tas.gov.au)
Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework
Tasmania’s Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework is a law to keep all children safe in organisations. It applies to sport and active recreation organisations that have a significant membership or involvement of children and young people.
There are four main components to the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework:
- The Child and Youth Safe Standards are 10 principles that outline how an organisation can develop a culture with child safety and wellbeing at its centre. Tasmania’s Child and Youth Safe Standards mirror a national set of principles. The National Principles for Child Safe Organisations emerged from the work of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
- The Reportable Conduct Scheme requires leaders of organisations to report concerns to the Independent Regulator about conduct related to child abuse involving a worker, and to investigate the concerns.
- The Information sharing under the Framework are the specific rules written into the law that permit leaders of an organisation to share information.
- The Independent Regulator oversees Tasmanian organisations required to comply with the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework.
Click here for more information about the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework.
Mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse
As of 2019, all adults in Tasmania are mandatory reporters. That is, all adults who have information leading them to form a reasonable belief that a child is the victim of an “abuse offence” (which includes a variety of sexual offences, offences of violence, endangerment and others) must report it to the police as soon as possible, unless they have a reasonable excuse.
If you believe a child is in immediate danger, call 000. Otherwise, to make a report to police, call 131 444.
If you have a concern about the safety and wellbeing of a child, call the Strong Families, Safe Kids Advice & Referral Line on 1800 000 123.
Further information is available from Sport and Recreation Tasmania.