SA - Measurer - Sails & Spars Course
Sat 16 Aug 2025 09:30 — 16:00
Australian Sailing - Measurer - Sails & Spars
Course information
Registration for this course closes at Mon 11 Aug 2025 13:30.
Course Overview
The Measurer-Sails and Spars Seminar is aimed at training Australian Sailing members in the basics to conduct fundamental measurement and certification of sails and spars and equipment inspection at Club, State or National level competition.
Measurers play an important role within sailing ensuring equipment compliance and act as a source of technical knowledge.
To become accredited as an Australian Sailing Measurer - Sails and Spars you are required to:
- Be a member of an Australian Sailing affiliated club.
- Attend an Australian Sailing Measurer -Sails and Spars Seminar.
- Provide a log showing you have assisted as a Measurer or event equipment inspector in at least two events.
- Complete the Performance Assessment.
- Attain a Letter of Endorsement from your affiliated Club or Class Association.
If you wish to accredit via submitting prior evidence that meets the above requirements please complete the Measurer -Sails and Spars Seminar Accreditation Application Form.
Registration at the top of this page allows you to enrol in an available Accreditation Seminar.
Attendees are asked to bring to the seminar:
- Their online edition of the Racing Rules of Sailing
- Notepad and pen (or lap top/notebook).
Course Prerequisites
There are no pre-requisites for participation in this seminar. However, attendance at the Australian Sailing Measurer Seminar is just one aspect of becoming a Measurer.
For further details please read the Measurer Accreditation Policy.
Course Price
This is a free course provided by Australian Sailing (The Officials polo is no longer provided).
Who should do this course?
People who have a keen interest in Sailing and want to participate in another facet of the sport. Those who may be interested in becoming a Measurer – Sails and Spars include parents who may have limited experience with sailing and want to contribute to the sport, volunteers at yacht clubs and sailors who no longer actively participate in the sport.
Course Outcome
Participants will become accredited as a Measurer – Sails and Spars; a person qualified to carry out fundamental measurement and certification on spars and sails only. They are qualified to act as an equipment inspector at any event at Club, State or National level.