Sun 19 Oct 2025 09:00 — 17:00
Australian Sailing - Foil-Lab Coach
Course information
Registrations for this course are closed.
Having trouble registering?
This system requires the preresquites to be already on your profile. You are able to upload these directly here. Should you still have any issues or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact or 0425511177.
Please note, that venue and course dates may change at any stage for operational requirements.
All registered particiapants will be advised as soon as possible of any changes.
Course Overview
This course aims to build the capacity and capability of Sailing Clubs by training and developing individual Coaches that will be responsible for coaching the next era of sailors/athletes. Focussing on coaching the basic fundamentals of foiling, and specifically related to what is happening under the water, the course is delivered in an understandable and engaging way for a wide range of people. The course is a 1 day face-to-face course.
Course Prerequisites
Safety Boat Operator certificate
First-aid certificate (Apply first-aid or above)
Working with Children Check
Sailing Coach Qualification
Must be 18 years-old
Water confident.
Comply with relevant State Maritime Licence requirements
Who should do this course?
Accredited Sailing Coaches with exceptionally high personal standards, personal knowledge and competance in foiling classes, a passion for teaching/training and the desire to develop others in foiling classes
Course Outcome
The course aims to develop the skills and knowledge to allow coaches to coach participants in the following areas:
- Body Intelligence
- Foiling Fundamentals
- Relationship between the body and the foil
- Exposing the Body to Unstable Foiling Environments in safe, scaled setting
Pending your success, you will gain the Foil-Lab Coach qualification.