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Esperance Bay Yacht Club Sea Safety Survival Course 16-17 June 18


Sat 16 Jun 2018 08:30 — Sun 17 Jun 2018 15:00
Australian Sailing - Safety & Sea Survival

Course information

This course is sold out.


Thank you in your interest in attending the Safety and Sea Survival Course. The purpose of this document is to provide you with the information you need to prepare yourself to attend the course.


Confirmation of Attendance

Trainees must enrol and make payment on line. If you are unable to make payment on line please contact the Australian Sailing office (93862438); Australian Sailing will receive notice of enrolments.

Equipment Required

A detailed list of equipment to bring is attached. This is the minimum recommended equipment you should bring to Safety and Sea Survival Course. It is necessary for trainees to bring with them plenty of appropriate clothing to change into after the conduct of wet training drills.

We do not recommend you bring expensive items such as laptops, computers, electronic games or I Pods. Australian Sailing will take no responsibility for any loss or damages incurred to any personal property during the Safety and Sea Survival Course.

All equipment must be clearly marked with the Trainees name.

Sequence of Events Program

An outline program is attached. Trainees need to be aware that Instructors may change the program at any time pending weather conditions and trainee requirements.

Trainees are reminded that they must attend all sessions of training including wet drills and assessment to receive the qualification.


Trainees with specific medical needs must detail this when they return enrol on line. All Instructors are qualified in senior first aid. Trainees who require specific medicines or injections such as Epi pens for bee stings or other vital medicines must identify themselves to instructing staff and communicate with the instructor where their emergency medicines are located and instructions on how it is to be administered and by whom.

Sun Protection

Every trainee is required to wear a hat at all times when in the sun. Sunscreen will be provided; however, sailors are encouraged to bring their own supply. Sun screen should be re applied regularly throughout the day. Trainees are encouraged to wear clothing that will protect them from the sun such as long sleeve shirts, rash vests, broad brimmed hats, sunglasses and long shorts that cover the top of the legs at all times when exposed to the sun.

We strongly recommend that sailors bring a spare hat and ensure that hats and sunglasses are secured with straps or strings to prevent loss in the water.


Meals are not provided during this course, trainees are encouraged to bring their own lunch and drinks each day, there are some shops and lunch bars close by where trainees may purchase lunch.

Conduct and Behaviour

Trainees are reminded that they have a responsibility and consideration towards all others attending Safety and Sea Survival Course.


Safety and Sea Survival course is a course that will give you the skills and knowledge to improve your chances of survival in an emergency situation at sea. Once you are qualified your certificate will be emailed to the email address you supply at the time of registration, and your MY Sailor records will be updated. I hope that you have a very enjoyable weekend.

If you require more information or advice please contact me at Yachting WA, do not contact the instructor prior to the course, all coordination is done here at Yachting WA, the instructor will only deliver the course to you and are not involved in the course administration.







Sunscreen / Zinc cream / Lip balm

As required

SPF 30+ suitable for water activities

Broad brimmed hat


1 spare (no hat, no sail)



Ideally with a strap or string to prevent loss in the water

Water bottle




As required

Please inform your Instructor of any medication requirements

Change of clothing & towel


To wear after wet drills training




Sailing kit

As required

Long sleeve shirt and trousers, life jacket / PFD 1 (if using inflatable you will need to have it serviced after use) and an old pair of runners or sailing/wetsuit booties.

You will need to wear your wet weather gear, we recommend that you wear the clothing and equipment you would wear if you were to abandon ship as a general rule.

Note book and pen


Text books will be supplied



SCHEDULE OF EVENTS (Country/Regional based Clubs)





Day 1


Theory Lessons

Note book and pen required

Day 1

0830h – 1700h

Practical Wet Drills Training and assessments. Flare demonstration

Wet drill session requires trainees to deploy a life raft and perform capsize drills and other training in the water. A Life jacket (PFD 1) must be worn and is to be supplied by trainee as well as wet weather gear. A change of dry clothing will be required.

Day 1

0830h – 1500h

Practical Wet Drills Training and assessments. Flare demonstration

Wet drill session requires trainees to deploy a life raft and perform capsize drills and other training in the water. A Life jacket (PFD 1) must be worn and is to be supplied by trainee as well as wet weather gear. A change of dry clothing will be required.


SCHEDULE OF EVENTS (Perth Metro based Clubs)




Day 1


Theory Lessons

Note book and pen required

Day 2

0800h – 1700h

Practical Wet Drills Training and assessments. Flare demonstration

Wet drill session requires trainees to deploy a life raft and perform capsize drills and other training in the water. A Life jacket (PFD 1) must be worn and is to be supplied by trainee as well as wet weather gear. A change of dry clothing will be required.




Course Overview

The Safety & Sea Survival (SSS) course involves classroom presentations & learning activities, and practical exercises in the use of liferafts, inflatable lifejackets & distress flares.  Of 16 hrs duration the course is usually delivered over 2 full-days and is facilitated by Safety & Sea Survival Instructors at approved Training Centres. The maximum teaching ratio for this course is 20 students to 1 SSS Instructor (in the classroom) with a reduced ratio of 10:1 for pool sessions.  Practical exercises are usually conducted in heated public swimming pools, but may be conducted in clean and enclosed salt-water pools and Marinas providing the water is clean, the temperature is at least 15oC, and all associated risks have been managed.

Course Prerequisites


Who should do this course?

This Course assists offshore skippers and crews in developing awareness of respective responsibilities. To offer and discuss practical strategies for coping with emergencies at sea. To familiarise skippers and crews with safety and emergency equipment, its purpose, deployment, and use. This course is also suitable for cruisers or those wanting to learn more about safety on the water.

Course Outcome

You will gain a Safety and Sea Survival Qualification Certificate as required for Category 1 and Category 2 races. This certificate is valid for 5 years from the date of the course.