Safetyboat Instructor Application


Education and Training
Australian Sailing - Safety Boat Instructor

Course information

This course has passed.


To become a Safety Boat Instructor, you need to be a current Powerboat Instructor, and hold the Safety Boat Operator certificate.


  • Hold a current Australian Sailing Safety Boat Operator certificate.

  • Hold a current Australian Sailing Powerboat Instructor qualification.

Who should do this?

Becoming a Safety Boat Instructor is for anyone who has ample powerboat instructor experience themselves and has completed the Safety Boat Operator certificate as a participant. It's aimed at those wishing to instruct the Safety Boat Operator course at an accredited Discover Sailing Centre.


Pending you meeting the prerequisites, you will gain the Safety Boat Instructor qualification. Your renewal and re-accreditation dates will align with your Powerboat Instructor qualification.

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