QLD - Coaching Clinic


Wed 05 Apr 2023 09:00 — Fri 07 Apr 2023 16:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

 We have 40 places availble only on a first come basis. Best you secure your place early and help our planning (please!)

Please enter using the sailors AS number (not mum or dads)

You can choose one, two or three days. The schedule will be structured  around a three day entry.

One day single hander:  $80*

One day double handed $100*

Two days single hander: $150*

Two days double Handed: $185*

Full coaching clinic single hander $220*

Full coaching clinic double hander $270*

*Credit Card Fees Apply 

(There will be a limited opprtunity for those that are interested to take part in our Foil Lab program. These positions (6 peeps per half day) will be available to early 3 day registrations in the camp on a first in first served basis. If the world of foiling interests you, give me a call for more info on this intro to foiling. Grant 0413 468 773. Lots of fun.