Get an AS Number

How do I get an Australian Sailing number?

An Australian Sailing Number is your unique identifier in the sport of Sailing in Australia that recognises you as a member of an affiliated club.

To obtain an Australian Sailing Number you can:

1. Become a member at an Australian Sailing Affiliated Club

In being a member with an Affiliated Club, you will be registered in the national system, are set up with an online profile, and receive an Australian Sailing Number.

 View our Club Finder here

2. Sign up for SailPass

SailPass is a form of introductory membership with your local affiliated sailing club which will issue you with an Australian Sailing Number for the days you will be sailing.
SailPass is an optional offering for clubs

 View our SailPass Finder here

3. Register for an Australian Sailing accredited course

To take part in any Australian Sailing accredited course or program, you must be registered in the system. You can find the Australian Sailing Number sign up through your course registration by clicking on the ‘Having trouble registering’ link on the registration screen. 

 View our Course Finder here


Joining another club

When joining a new club, be sure to provide your existing Australian Sailing Number so the new club can easily update and maintain your existing profile.

Any club administrator can easily add you to their membership database if you can provide the below information as per your Australian Sailing Online Profile:

  • Australian Sailng Number
  • Last Name
  • DOB