
Member Protection Information Officers Course

Member Protection Information Officers play an important role in sport. We need people who understand about complaint handling procedures and who are able to help ensure that due process is followed and that parties to a dispute are informed about their rights and obligations.
WA Club News


Following the closure of Rottnest Island to the public last year, the RIA has agreed to offer a refund of the admission fee and the annual mooring licence fee for a period equivalent to the length of the island closure (approximately 20% of the year).
WA Club News

Outside the Locker Room

Outside the Locker Room is a registered charity delivering critical mental health education and welfare support to community sporting clubs and schools across Australia. In WA, the program is funded by the Department of Health.
WA Club News

WA Coastal Calendar

Applications for the 2021/22 WA Coastal Calendar will open soon, with the process following a similar format to last year’s, utilising a shared Google Sheet.
WA Club News

Australian Sailing - WA office update

As mentioned in January’s Operational Update, we have now welcomed Club Services Officer Chris Lloyd to the team. In this month, we (temporarily) farewell Kate Wearn, who has commenced maternity leave on Friday.
WA Club News

WA COVID update 05/02/2021

The WA State Government has announced that the Perth, Peel and South West Regions will be coming out of lockdown at 6PM tonight, Friday Feb 5. This remains subject to medical advice.
WA Club News COVID-19