It was fantastic to have 63 Western Australia Club and Class Association representatives attend the Australian Sailing 2022 WA Club Conference. The club and class representatives were active in their feedback and sharing success stories and their challenges through out the day long conference held at the Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club on Saturday 18th June 2022.
The McGowan Government has announced $1.65 million in funding for COVID-related cleaning and personal hygiene costs at local community sport and active recreation clubs.
The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) is pleased to announce the delivery of the Regional Governance Workshop Series (online), targeting new and aspiring sport and recreation committee members (regionally based).
School Sport WA delivered the inaugural Teachers’ Games 2021 from, 5 to 7 October 2021 at Mandurah Offshore Fishing and Sailing Club. Australian Sailing was pleased to be involved with training and delivery of Recreational Skippers Tickets (RSTs) and a Discover Sailing experience for teachers.
Over recent weeks we have received a number of queries from Members regarding travelling interstate to events. As a result we have requested clarity from WA Police and DLGSC on this topic. Below is a statement in regards to travelling interstate.
The Westsail Coaching Clinic, part of Youth Sail WA is coming around quickly and will provide an amazing opportunity for sailors to rub shoulders and learn from some of Australia’s best coaches.
Please find the Notice of Annual General Meeting of the 70th Annual General Meeting of Yachting WA to be held at Royal Perth Yacht Club on Monday 16 August at 1730.
The McGowan Government has today announced $12.5 million funding is available under the latest round of Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund grants.
Bright crisp windless afternoons are the usual Autumn & Winter weather in Perth. Conditions perfect for the sport of Power Yacht Time Trialling, a century old competition between rival riverside yacht clubs, Royal Perth, Royal Freshwater Bay, Claremont, South of Perth, Swan and Flying Squadron Yacht Clubs.
You are invited to take part in a free, online series of four sessions designed to Simplify Social Media and to ensure that your club volunteers and staff need spend no more time on social media than necessary to get good results.
The Emerging Coach and Official Leadership Series 2021 is inviting current and emerging WA high performance coaches and officials to take part in a series of workshops designed to assist in the development of effective leadership capability and capacity in individuals working in pathway sporting contexts.
Candor Training presenter, Ian Crawford will deliver the workshops in partnership with DLGSC. The course is designed to develop the skills of coaches, officials and committee members to better manage conflict and deal with difficult people and is suitable for clubs, associations and Local Government Authorities.