
COVID-19 Easing of Queensland Restrictions

As you would be aware, today the Premier announced that the strict conditions implemented for the recently impacted Local Government Areas (LGAs) will be lifted at 4pm Friday 20 August 2021, which is earlier than previously advised. The restrictions in the Cairns and Yarrabah Council areas will now align to the rest of Queensland.
QLD Club News COVID-19 Queensland

ACT COVID-19 Update

The ACT will enter a seven-day lockdown from 5.00pm 12 August 2021, as a result of a COVID-19 case being identified in the community and positive wastewater detections reported overnight. The lockdown will remain in place until 5.00pm Thursday 19 August 2021.
ACT ACT Club News COVID-19

COVID Update - 28th July 2021

As of 12:01am on Wednesday 28 July 2021, South Australia came out of the 7-day lockdown. Directions came into effect 12:01am on Wednesday 28 July with implications for the sport and recreation industry.
SA Club News COVID-19 SA

COVID Update - 20th July 2021

Further to my earlier email, due to the escalating COVID-19 situation in South Australia, the SA Government have just announced this morning a Statewide 7 Day lockdown as from 18:00 this evening (20th July). As of tomorrow, schools will also be closed.
SA Club News COVID-19 SA