Discover Sailing Centre - Request to change Principal


This request form is used by Discover Sailing Centres (DSC) who wish to change their Principal before the end of their accreditation year. 


  1. This form is completed.
  2. The relevant regional Club Service Office/Regional Manager will be informed of the change. 
  3. A Centre review will be completed to ensure policies and procedures have been updated and the new centre principal is fully aware of the Australian Sailing Discover Sailing Centre Operating Standards and Guidelines and DSC Agreement.

Who should complete this form?

The incoming Discover Sailing Centre principal.


There is no cost involved with adding a new principal.


Pending the request being cross-checked against your centre's revSPORT portal and recent review you will offically be the new centre principal.

To complete the request please log in using your mySailor details, fill in the two basic questions and confirm the statements by ticking the agreement box.

NB: If you have any questions including details about your current review or the Australian Sailing Operating Standards and Guidelines please contact your local Club Services Officer/Regional Manager. 

Operation Standards and Guidelines  Regional Staff Contact Details