Club Affiliation Application

See the Australian Sailing Constitution for the conditions of membership

The purpose of this form is to:

  1. Apply for initial affiliation as a Club Member;
  2. Ensure that we have correct office bearer information;
  3. Enable our club email communications to reach the correct club contact address; and
  4. Maintain correct club address, club contact information and training program details on our website.


  • Australian Sailing is collecting these details for the purpose of application for initial affiliation.
  • The information provided will be uploaded onto the Australian Sailing Database, you will have access to this through the membership system. Only you and Australian Sailing can access these details and they will not be provided to any other party without your permission.
  • Australian Sailing is committed to the protection of your information. Any information you provide will be used for the purposes which the information was gathered for as stated and related purposes which can be reasonably expected. For the full Privacy policy of Australian Sailing, please visit:


Enter your email address*

Affiliation Declaration

Please be advised that the above Club is seeking affiliation with Australian Sailing or a Member Yachting Association (MYA). In requesting affiliation, we accept the Constitution, policies, regulations and resolutions, application for affiliation is now submitted. I certify that the information provided in this Application is accurate and that the Club has as one of its objectives to promote the sport of sailing. I certify that the Club Contacts provided in this form have been advised of and have agreed to their personal details being uploaded onto the Australian Sailing Database.

Club Contact Details

Please provide the below details for your key club contacts for the following positions: - Commodore/President - Secretary - Treasurer - Sailing Manager/Captain




Sailing Manager/Captain

Key Club Contact

Primary club contact for distributing information to your club about regattas, events, courses etc. You may select from the drop down list box below if your club contact is one of the above positions, if not, select other to provide more information

Club Information - Governance

Club Boats

Type of boats sailed at your club - Please specify in spaces provided the number of boats sailed at your club.

Club Racing Program

Supporting Documentation

Please ensure that you provide copies of the following documentation with your application
Max 5MB
Max 5MB
Max 5MB
Max 5MB