Annual Affiliation Application / Renewal

Hi All Clubs,


We have moved to an online form for Sailability affiliation in order to make the process easier for everyone.


We look forward to hearing from you all regarding your re-affiliation.

Feel free to email me at if you have any concerns or questions.


This year Australian Sailing has received funding to broaden the scope of inclusion within sailing. With this funding, we hope to support clubs that run Sailability and sailing sessions for individuals of all abilities.


This year Australian Sailing is supporting clubs with $1000 of funding money when clubs pay their affiliation fee. As a part of our inclusion project, this funding is to be put towards Sailability programs and resources.


In doing so we hope to support the continuation of Sailability and inclusion programs. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me via email.


Thank you for your time.


Kind regards,



Enter your email address

Annual Affiliation Application / Renewal
On behalf of the above-named program, I agree to abide by the Sailability Victoria Rules of Incorporation, By-Laws and Guidelines and provide quarterly reports in the specified manner. I understand that the membership fee does not include the provision of any insurance cover for, its members, participants or volunteers. I consent to having information on the above-named program published on the Sailability Victoria website pages and social media pages.
Annual Sailability Victoria Affiliation Fee inclusive of GST: $55.00
Annual Program Information for Sailability Victoria Website Pages Please provide information and contact details you are happy to be shared on the Sailability Victoria website and Face Book pages as well as the AAA website activity finder.
Annual Equipment Information for Sailability Victoria Please provide details below of current equipment used by your program










