Request for Permission for Use of the Australian Coat of Arms

Application for Obtaining Permission for Use of the Australian Coat of Arms 

Applications may be made by Clubs and Class Associations affiliated with Australian Sailing

The Commonwealth Coat of Arms is the pre-eminent mark of Commonwealth authority. Its use, with a few limited exceptions, is limited to the Commonwealth Parliament, the Government and the Federal Courts. However, since 1922, Australian representative national sporting teams participating in international competitions have been able to seek Commonwealth Government permission to display the Arms on their uniforms. 

It is necessary to obtain permission from the Honours, Symbols and Territories Branch of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to use the Australian Coat of Arms on a team uniform and any other support.

  • Any request for permission shall only be submitted by Australian Sailing
  • Clubs and Class Associations should not contact the Government directly
  • Australian Sailing must indicate their support of the request or permission will not be granted

Application and approval Process:

  • Complete an application form (weblink below). This must be done within four months of the event
  • After receipt of the completed application, Australian Sailing will apply to the Honours and Symbols Section, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
  • Australian Sailing will receive the decision and send written confirmation to the Club or Class Association contact listed on the application

Australian Sailing Requirements:

  • Applications must be made within four months of the competition
  • National Class Associations must be affiliated to Australian Sailing for the current season
  • The request must be made by an office bearer of the National Class Association on behalf of its Team
  • The request must be for an Australian Team competing at an International Championship
  • The Team must have been selected through a published selection policy or recognised criteria
  • A Team that has been invited to compete in an international event will also be considered. For example, World Sailing Women’s Match Racing, 420 Class World Championship or similar
  • The application must include the details of all team members and officials.

Please note:

A mock-up of the uniform artwork must be sent to AS for approval before permission to go ahead with production is given.  

The Coat of Arms may only be displayed on the playing and dress uniforms (shirt, polo shirt, jacket, SPF top or rashie) of the representative sports persons and on the dress uniforms (shirt, polo shirt, jacket) of accompanying officials.

It shall not be used on any other merchandise or sponsor’s material. 

For any Team selected by Australian Sailing, Australian Sailing will obtain permission.



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