National Integrity Framework Self-assessment Tool

About this tool

This self-assessment tool was created to help Clubs assess their compliance with the National Integrity Framework (NIF). The tool is not intended to be a series of checkbox answers; rather, it should be used as a prompt to reflect on your Club's progress. In the spirit of continuous improvement, you may wish to complete the self-assessment again in future to identify your Club's strengths and weaknesses.

For more information about the National Integrity Framework, visit the Integrity Hub or contact your local Club Support team.

Responses to this self-assessment are not monitored by Australian Sailing. A downloadable version is available to complete offline.


Useful tools include social media, email, newsletters, posters, or briefings.

This should include a clear public statement of your club's commitment to maintaining the integrity of sport.

Consider the specific risks, challenges and opportunities that arise from your club's location, facilities, activities, programs, membership and community.

If yes, how is this information obtained? If not, why not?

More information about the Standards in each State and Territory is available on the Integrity Hub:

Consider, for example, how you verify the validity of WWCCs, and how you would demonstrate your compliance. More information is available at

Your briefing should cover child safeguarding, member protection, and complaint handling.

You may also consider appointing a Member Protection Information Officer (MPIO) and Complaints Officer.

Integrity management should be an ongoing process, not a one-and-done exercise. Anyone in your organisation should be able to offer feedback, suggestions or complaints.