Pacific Games Athletes

Congratulations on representing Australia at the Pacific Games in Samoa!

As part of our commitment to supporting talented athletes to progress within Sailing, we would like to seek your feedback across a number of key areas related to your experience as a member of the Pacific Games Team (PGT). Collectively, your individual insights will help us shape the way we evolve and deliver programs for upcoming sailings.

The following survey, which should only take about 30 minutes, asks a short series of questions across two different aspects of your experience as part of the PGT – Team Preparation and Regatta Experience. In each question, we ask you to give a rating from 1 to 10 and provide detailed commentary around your feedback.

In your commentary, please outline what you experienced as done well, and what could be done better.

Please be assured that we value your feedback – both positive and negative – so please provide honest answers.

Organisation and Logistics


Daily Training Environment

Regatta Experience - Coaching

Team Culture and Leanderships

Event Organisation

Additional Information