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Youth Sail WA Westsail and WA Youth Championships 2021

Published Fri 15 Oct 2021

Western Australia’s annual Westsail Coaching Clinic was held from 25 to 28 September at Hillarys Yacht Club.

Participant numbers in 2021 were up in comparison to 2020, with 89 sailors across seven fleets participating in the four-day training program. The great turn out, lead to 12 high level coaches providing outstanding coaching to the youth sailors.

The weather conditions for Westsail provided sailors with ample opportunities to develop their racing skills. The sun was on show throughout the entire event, with the sailors and coaches making the most of these conditions.


Western Australia is very privileged to have access to a group of world-class coaches and as such, Australian Sailing with WAIS Pathway Coach Matt Jerwood, gathered a strong group of coaches throughout the six-day event. Matt Jerwood led the coaches as the newly founded coaching development coordinator, with his role focusing on developing our younger coaches to assist club sailing pathways.

Sailors in the Laser Radial and 4.7 fleets were led by ASS 470 Mixed sailor Chris Charlwood, WAIS Coach Ben Walkemeyer and Campbell Stewart. A total of 26 sailors in the two fleets spent the week focusing on a range of key areas. The group made good use of technology and the good conditions to practice hitting the start line with speed.

The 29er group of nine boats, 18 sailors guided by Hayley Clark and Kieran Bucking enjoyed the conditions spending the most time on water. Hayley Clark lead an evening development session for the residential sailors on day 2 on Goal Setting, with a real emphasis that this is their journey and they should drive it with help and support of the people around them.

Recent Olympian Nia Jerwood, Niall Morrow and WAIS Sailor Michael Compton took charge of the Optimists with 22 sailors across the two fleets having access to some incredible coaching. Throughout the four-day clinic, racing skills and boat handling skills were focused upon with the newly developed Westsail Participation Feedback Tool. Optimist sailors were a highlight throughout Westsail, were the highlight with a constant smile on their faces due to the amazing coaching on hand.

An Open Skiff fleet of 17 sailors worked on their skills and knowledge lead by SoPYC Head Coach, Denis Jones and ASS 470 Mixed sailor, Amelia Catt. Boat handling was a key focuses with sailors well prepared for every session on water with Amelia leading a wave ridding visualisation prior to each session to get the sailors ready.

For the second year running, the Wind foil fleet was led by Australian Sailing coach, Arthur Brett and Steve Schneider. Arthur Brett ran the first Futures camp in WA, providing an opportunity to 3 WA and 1 QLD sailors for high quality training, racing and development opportunities whilst Steve Schneider coached the development pathway. The Wind Foil sleet continues to grow, with the discipline to be included in the 2024 Olympic Games.

Following Westsail, the WA Youth Championships were held by Organising Authority Hillarys Yacht Club on 29 and 30 September. Final entry numbers were 90 boats and 99 sailors across 9 fleets, all Westsail groups plus the addition of the Techno 293 and Plus windsurfers.

Day one brought strong shifting winds early, with all fleets bar Optimist Intermediates having Race 1 abandoned. The Race Committee were able to complete Race 2 before a strong squall and rain came through, subsequent postponing racing for the end of the morning with sailors coming ashore. Afternoon conditions were a different story, with Race Management able to get in the four races in for the fleets.

Steady wind conditions on day two, coupled with sunny sky’s resulted in racing being completed swiftly, leaving plenty of time for sailors to pack-up and enjoy a final debrief with their class coaches.

The presentation ceremony commenced after the sailors arrived back on shore, derigged, showers and post sailing debrief by class coaches which concluded a successful week of sailing at Youth Sail WA. A huge thank you to the host Club and regatta Organising Authority, Hillarys Yacht Club, and the hand-working volunteers who assisted over the six days, and the Ron Tough Yachting Foundation, who financially assisted 9 regional sailors in attending Westsail and the WA Youth Championships.

Full results from the WA Youth Championships are available HERE.

Congratulations to all of the podium finishers:

BIC Techno 293: 1. Tachyon (Zen Sailsbury RPYC/FSC/RFBYC); 2. MADA (Adam McAullay RPYC); 3. Pocket Rocket (Henry Williams RPYC); 1st Female. Dash II (Sasha Monro RPYC). 

BIC Techno Plus: 1. Razor (Sam Williams RPYC); 2. White Rabbit (Meg McAullay RPYC); 3. As salt On The Senses (Jermy Fox RPYC); 1st Female. White Rabbit (Meg McAullay RPYC).

Wind Foil: 1. Johnny (C Winchcombe FSC); 2. The Duke (H Joyner FSC); 3. EKAJ (Jake Hindmarsh RPYC); 1st Female. Mr Board (Samantha Costin RQYS).

Open Skiff: 1. Wind Wizard (Harry Griffiths EFYC); 2. Wananavu (Hudson Armstrong RFBYC); 3. Barely in Control (Flynn Walford SOPYC); 1st Female. Vanishing Point (Alicia van Duren MOFSC). 

Optimist Intermediate: 1. Lord of the Wind II (Nicholas Cooper RFBYC); 2. Its All G (Lucas Page RFBYC); 3. Terminal Velocity (Marcel Greenwood FSC/SoPYC); 1st Female. Aqua Marine (Sarah Jessica Atkinson RFBYC).

Optimist Open: 1. Salty (Murray Duthie FSC/SoPYC); 2. Usain Boat (Charlie Stay RFBYC/FSC); 3. Sink or Swim (Bindy Vitales-Jones HYC/RPYC/RFBYC); 1st Female. Sink or Swim (Bindy Vitales-Jones HYC/RPYC/RFBYC).

Laser 4.7: 1. In the Zone (Charles Toyn FSC); 2. Xtasea (Dominic Beer RFBYC/FSC) 3. Controlled Chaos (Amy Moore RFBYC); 1st Female. Controlled Chaos (Amy Moore RFBYC).

Laser Radial: 1. Ace of Hearts (Stefan Elliott-Shircore FSC/SoPYC); 2. Rollz Royce (Michael Compton SoPYC/FSC); 3. SKA (Antun Janekovic RPYC); 1st Female. Its Hell (Lili McAullay RPYC).

29er: 1. Eminem (Zachary Sprunt & Vassilis Katsaitis RFBYC); 2. Full Send (Angus Cameron & Alasdair Cameron RFBYC); 3. Pretti (Annabelle Jones & Jenna Everett RFBYC/SoPYC); 1st Female. Pretti (Annabelle Jones & Jenna Everett RFBYC/SoPYC)
