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What isn’t in the National Integrity Framework?

Published Wed 03 Aug 2022

The National Integrity Framework covers some specific topics. These include, among many other things, improper betting, anti-doping, harassment and discrimination. There is a clear process for handling those. But the National Integrity framework is equally clear on what is not handled under its policies.

Participants in sailing and the people involved in running its clubs, class associations and Discover Sailing Centres will come across other problems that need resolution. These might be complaints in relation to selection to a team or squad, misconduct during a race, breaches of a code of conduct relating to a person’s accreditation, or a personal grievance. When these things happen and a complaint is made, the matter will always be referred back to the correct channel.

An easy example to explore is misconduct during a race. The Racing Rules of Sailing address this and provide a club and its race officials a system for handling alleged misconduct. The process of resolving the complaint is handled by the protest committee and if disciplinary action is appropriate, it’s taken under the Racing Rules of Sailing and World Sailing’s Regulations.

Another example is team or squad selection. These selections are made in accordance with a policy and the policy will typically have an appeals process written into it. Generally speaking, team selections are a matter for the organisation sending the team, which might be a class association, a club or even Australian Sailing. Disagreements on selection have to be handled under the given policy.

Personal grievances are excluded, as are mischievous or vexatious complaints. Incidents that have been subject of a previous complaint won’t be revisited. A respondent to a complaint cannot be a person or organisation that Australian Sailing or a sailing organisation has no jurisdiction over.

Interactions including those on social media, involving people, and the only link or connection between the interaction and Sailing is the fact that one or more individuals happen to be involved in the sport, are excluded.

There will be cases where the alleged prohibited conduct would be more appropriately dealt with under a different Australian Sailing policy, code, rules or regulations. The National Integrity Framework will focus on the things it is designed to.

Guidance on misconduct for race officials can be read here
The National Integrity Framework and its policies are here.
An online induction about the National Integrity Framework and its policies can be done here.

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