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What a bunch of Talent! Go Queenslanders!

Published Mon 17 Feb 2020

This summer over 180 Queenslanders from an incredible amount of different clubs from as far north as Cairns Yacht Club to Southport Yacht Club in the south, our sailors have travelled all over Australia to compete in National and International Events. 

The attached and via this link has most certainly not got every Queenslander from every Class, but wow what a list! We’d like to thank all the clubs that support their sailors who travel to represent the state at National events. 

Whatever the result we hope you had a good regatta, sailed as fast as you could, learned a bit more about your sailing and brought back more skills to share with your club.

We celebrate each and every person on this list – and all the sailors that competed in classes that aren’t listed here – for living the dream!



Files for download
QLD competitors list